#1420 | Antique ivory Nurnberg diptych sundial by Hans Troschel, 1617 | |
SOLD | Antique ivory Nurnberg diptych sundial by Hans Troschel, dated twice 1617
Hans Troschel the elder, born 1549 (worked from 1578-1612) used the trush on a twig as makers mark (2 versions are known), his son, Hans Troschel the younger worked from 1616-1631 had a six-pointed star as master mark. Hans Troschel the younger also used the master mark of his father. The sundial has 2 trush on a twig master marks on side 2B. The diptych dial is dated twice 1617. 1st: The gilded lunar volvelle on side 1B has the text: & HORA NOCTIS 1617, and on side 1A: HORA PLANETARIA 1617. Other text find on side 1A: HORAE ORTIS & OCCASVS (hours starting at & hours settings), MONSTRO FERRO PROPINQVV HORAS NON IVSTE (I do not show the right hour nearby iron), SVA QVENQE ALIT ARS. Text on side 1B: SIMPLIC EST SIGIL:VERITAS, CHARVM EST QVOD RARVM EST Text on side 2A: TEMPORE OMNIA MVTANTVR, SAPIENS IN SE OMNEM, HABET SVBSTANTIAM text on side 2B: CIVITAT & OPPIDA INSIGNIORA (remarkable cities and regions), LABORE OMNIA FLORENT (Everything prospers through effort). Cities on side 2B: 31 - HIEROSOLYM - Jerusalem, 65 - ISLANDIA - IJsland, 37 - EPHESVS - ancient Greek city on the coast of Ionia, 42 - ROMA ITALI - Rome, 47 - ORLIENS - Orléans, 49 - NORIBERGA - Nürnberg, 51 - ISLEBIA - Eisleben, 42 - MARSILIA - Marseille, 45 - VENETIA - Venetie, 37 - SICILIA - Sicily, 39 - TOLETVM - Toledo, 48 - RATISBONA - Regensburg, 51 - OXONIVM - Oxford, 53 - STETINVM - Stettin (polen), 11 - CALECVTVM, 57 - HYEERNIA, 51 - ERPHORDIA - Erfurt, 39 - LISIBONA - Lisabon, 40 - NEAPOLOS - Napels, 52 - OSNABVRGVM - Osnabruck, 43 - RAVENNA - Ravenna (noord Italië), 46 - NIPONS, 50 - PRAGA - Praag, 52 - EMBECKA, 35 - RHODVS - Rhodos, 37 - GRANATA - Granada, 31 - ALEXANDRI - Alexandria, 35 - FAMAGVSTA - Famagusta (Cyprus) Dimensions: 63 x 90 x 18 mm Zinner und Doppelmayr: Troschel sundials are unsurpassed. |
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