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#1364 pendule 'la Leçon d'astronomie', 1808 (on both springs)
pendule 'la Leçon d'astronomie', 1808 (on both springs)


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pendule 'la Leçon d'astronomie', 1808 (on both springs)

Here are some Dutch clock- and watchmakers. These watch- and clockmakers were suppliers of pocket watches, bracket clocks, longcase clocks or grandfather clocks, wallclocks, mantelclocks, pendules.
A. Wolfers in z Casseres- J. de. - W. Wolkers in Amsterdam. - Jacob Woltjer in Groningen. - van der Wood (Vanderwood) in Londen. - J. P. Worst in Meppel. - Geert van Wou in Borger. - Johan van Wou in Borger. - Klaas Sierds van der Woude in Drogeham. - Woudenberg in . - Cornelis Woudenberg (Wudenberg) in Haarlem. - Wijman Herlinck van Wout in Wessem (L). - Wouter in . - Claes Wouters in Amsterdam. - Pybe (Pybo) Wouters (Gualtherie) in Franeker- Leeuwarden. - Matthijs Woutersz in Middelburg. - Peter Woutersz in Den Bosch. - Pieter Wresback in Den Haag. - Willem Willemszoon Writs in Amsterdam. - Willem Writs in Amsterdam. - Wudenberg in . - Freerk Wybes in Haskerland. - Peter Wybes in Franeker. - Wybrandi in . - Pierre Yver in Amsterdam. - Willem van Zeeland in . - Guillelmus Zelandinus in . - Jacob Zeldenthuis (Seldenthuis) in Bolsward. -